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5 benefits of an incentive trip

Benefits of an Incentive trip:

Looking for a way to reward and motivate your employees. Then think of an incentive trip. A trip with the staff is an excellent way to motivate, inspire and strengthen the cohesion within a company. Many managers still prefer a financial incentive, while the scientific studies clearly show that this is an expensive and ineffective method of motivating employees. An incentive trip is therefore not only a reward for the employees, but also for the company. Below 5 important benefits of organizing an incentive trip.

1: A cost effective way to reward

Although most managers still choose financial incentives as the main way to motivate employees, various studies such as Harvard Business Review show that this is the most expensive and certainly not the most effective way. Public appreciation and recognition is much more important. An incentive trip is a very clear example of this. This is not only a clear appreciation for the employee within the company, but also a very visual one for the home front. The employee's family, relatives and friends see the appreciation of the hard work and any overtime. An increase in support and understanding is a logical consequence.

An incentive trip also has a long-term effect. A cash bonus is seen as a salary, is spent on overdue accounts and is something that is quickly forgotten. An exciting incentive trip, on the other hand, is a unique experience that an employee would never experience independently, the gratitude for this is many times greater and the memory of this lingers much longer.

Check out this interesting article on Inc. and discover why money is the least effective means of reward.

2. Encourage commitment and loyalty

It should be clear that going on a staff trip is a great compliment for an employee. The effect that employees feel valued within the company should not be underestimated.

“More productive and engaged employees who are sick less often and ensure more satisfied customers. That provides more explicit appreciation of your employees for your company. "A compliment that is sincere and genuine feels like winning a big prize in the lottery." From the article: This does appreciation with your employees.

As indicated in point one, the memory of this reward remains for a long time and thus ensures a long-term positive effect on the involvement and loyalty of the employee. Appreciation and support are important factors in stimulating Heart for the cause, just like the team spirit in the office, these are exactly things that are reinforced by this incentive.

3. Strengthen mutual bond between employees.

Whatever the destination and content of the incentive trip. A staff trip should be seen as one big team building session. Both the way there and the journey itself. When people work together and have to achieve goals under pressure, there may be little time to work on the mutual bond. Traveling together creates this mutual bond that you cannot achieve on the work floor. People get to know each other in a different way.

Although the emphasis of the trip may be on rewarding through fun and enjoyable experiences and not on team building sessions, the result of a joint experience is always that the mutual bond is influenced by this. The team spirit must be reinforced with this. It is important to keep this in mind when choosing the right content for the program. We are happy to help. You can of course also choose one of our fun team building activities.

The effects of a good mutual relationship in the workplace are clear to everyone, but did you know that this also positively influences the health and well-being of the staff.

"Leaders who create a shared sense of purpose and identity within their work teams can help improve employee health and well being." From the research of: University Queensland

Since mentally and physically healthy people perform better and have significantly less absenteeism, this is one of the most important rewards for the company, next to the more productive teams.

4. Achieving business goals.

We have seen that motivating the staff and strengthening the bond between them are clear rewards for the company of organizing a staff trip. We have also concluded that this method is more cost efficient than a financial incentive. Although it is clearly visible to the managers in the workplace, it is sometimes difficult to measure the effects exactly.

However, an incentive trip can also contribute in a direct way to achieving the company goals. By setting up a structured incentive program, employees can be stimulated in advance. This can be done by setting targets for individual employees in a sales program, for example, but also by setting goals for a specific team or an entire department. Or why not for the company as a whole.

Carefully consider whether you want to stimulate mutual competition in order to get the best out of individual employees or whether you want to create a strong team. Shared goals = healthier employees.

By referring to the journey, sending teasers, and revealing the destination little by little, the program can really come alive and motivate employees during the period in which the goals are to be achieved. We like to think along in this process and can already start the journey in the Netherlands. What do you think, for example, when suddenly a professional Spanish ham cutter, wine poorer or a flamenco guitarist is in the office when an interim goal has been reached.

5. Arouse the interest of future top personnel.

There are employees and there are top employees. Good staff is worth its weight in gold. In fact, entire industries have been set up to provide companies with the best employees. But how do you get those employees in. Why do they choose your company. The prospect of an incentive trip can be just that one extra appealing motivation that instead of offering more money, makes the choice fall to your company.


The enormous rewards for the company in terms of productivity and employee happiness leads to the question, how can you not consider setting up an incentive program for your employees?

Do you want to know more about how to organize an incentive trip <- Check this page.

Although we work to measure, we have developed a number of examples of successful incentive trips in Spain. View our page Incentive travel Andalusia for inspiration and examples.

You can also request a no-obligation quote for a tailor-made incentive trip via our request form below or go to our contact page to contact us directly.


On request

Minimal number of participants: from 10 persons


On request

LOCATION: Seville historic city center

Sevilla city center


Prices are only by tailor made quotation.


On request


Organizing a staff trip in Andalusia is possible throughout the whole year, at all days of the week (due to availability).


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